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Francisco Gomez' Last Letter

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The following letter, written in pencil, is reported to have been written by Francisco Gomez, son of the Cuban Revolutionary leader Calixto Gomez. Francisco was with General Antonio Maceo at the time of his death.

The Letter:

"Dear Mamma, Papa, Dear Brothers: I die at my post. I did not want to abandon the body of General Maceo, and I stayed with him. I was wounded in two places, and as I did not fall into the hands of the enemy, I have killed myself. I am dying. I die pleased at being in the defense of the Cuban cause. I wait for you in the other world.

Your son,

Francisco  Gomez

Torro in San Domingo

(Friends or foes, please transmit to its destination as requested by one dead)."


Quesada, Gonzalo de, and Henry Davenport Northrop, Cuba’s Great Struggle for Freedom. (Washington DC: J. R. Jones, 1898) 565.

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